
From Business Data Engine

Support is available Monday to Friday from 9AM to 6PM.

You can reach our support teams by emailing or by calling the team on 03333 402 406. Support calls are recorded for training and quality purposes.

Major Incidents

If there is a major incident affecting multiple customers, we will post on the status page[1] with details of what is going on and how long we expect it to take to resolve the issue. Issues that affect only your instance do not constitute a Major Incident unless you are unable to connect to your instance from multiple locations on the internet (such as a fixed line broadband and at least 1 mobile provider).

If a Major Incident is declared, keep checking the status page for updates, as it will be the only place we update with information. During a Major Incident, tickets logged by emailing support will be temporarily ignored. When the service is stablilised again, we will close any tickets that are directly related to the Major Incident citing the relevant status page entry.

If you believe there is a Major Incident and we haven't posted about it on the status page within 15 minutes of the start of the incident, you can send emails to Emails to support-urgent must originate from your customer domain, or other known email address. Emails sent from non-registered email addresses will be ignored. support-urgent must not be used for day-to-day support requests as it interrupts engineers, including in their sleep. Repeatedly waking engineers with no reason to do so will result in your email address being removed from the trusted list.